Volunteers: Hooray!

BCR Boasts Its Best Volunteers

As a club, small though we are, we have some amazing volunteers, dedicated not only to rowing and to making the usually elite (which is to say expensive) sport of rowing available to those who aren’t of the British aristocracy, but dedicated even more so to the city of Pittsfield, its social and natural potential and need. Those of us who know BCR best know that we’re potentially a force for good here in a place that we love.

So, we build–the Cuyler boathouse, Boathouse B, and most recently the oar closets that will make our storage of gear more efficient. And who would you find at the foundation of all this building?

Randy, of course.

Chris, of course.

There are others–chiefly Karl, who built the walls of the oar closets, ordered the garage door for them, got permits from the city, so it would all be on the up-and-up, and probably took the pictures above (so he wouldn’t have to be in one of the pictures above).

So, thank you to all our volunteers, most recently exemplified in Karl, Randy, and Chris, though including many others. From those who row, from those who will one day row, from those who long to see Pittsfield and Berkshire County a place of community, mutual respect, and teamwork in all sorts of ways: THANK YOU!