Rowing Is Largely About Reliability
We’re not going to lie to you. It’s been a tough year as far as staffing goes. We’ve had difficulty finding reliable help. But the ones we’ve got have been great.

Take Loren, for example. His second year with Berkshire Rowing, Loren is affable to the core. Eager to greet you (even at six in the morning), quick to help (even with awkward, sometimes heavy equipment), chipper in conversation (even when it’s foggy, windy, rainy, or cold), Loren is also, it turns out, good to have nearby when things get rocky.righting the tippled
One of our members wrote of her experience:
I am very grateful Loren returned to the boathouse this summer. Last Saturday, it was windy, and I was leery of heading out onto the lake in a single. Loren gave me strategies, though–clear and with confidence in my abilities; and then he was ready at the dock to celebrate with me when I returned.
The next day I was set to enjoy my 25th row of the season, and I was elated with my speed and my ability to implement what I’d learned at the winter erg classes. Loren was staffing the boathouse again, and he celebrated with me.
The following day, though, I had a tougher time, starting right as I was leaving the dock. Those singles are twitchy, and that day this inherent instability left me feeling rattled. But Loren was there to help me, to right and stabilize the boat, and talk me through my ambivalence about heading out anyway. He reassured me that I would have a good row–which I did.
Loren has been of inestimable help to me rowing this summer. He is knowledgeable, always courteous, and his suggestions are given with great encouragement and awareness of my abilities. I am thankful each morning I arrive at Ononta to see Loren on deck.