Raffle Concept2 Erg PM5 Monitor

Thanks at all who assisted with closing the boathouse.
The website has some new information, to which we need to alert everyone.
So check these things out:
Information about upcoming events.
Information about how you can help out with the club. It takes a lot of work to keep this whole endeavor afloat, something rowers should have an intuitive sense of. So lend a hand! Look at all the ways you can.
BCR is excited to welcome a new coach to our programming, Tori Hunt. She’ll start out working with the Juniors this spring, and branch out from there.
Here’s an introduction she wrote for us:
I’m Tori. I’m from Cheshire and attended Hoosac Valley High School. I participated in many sports growing up, but enjoyed softball the most.
I completed my undergrad education at RPI in Troy, NY, graduating in 2014 with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. I was also on the softball team at RPI–and now I’ve decided to make a career transition and am now pursuing a career in strength and conditioning.
My goal is to become a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and I envision myself working with division 3 college athletes. I’m enrolled at BCC in the physical fitness program, working on prerequisite classes to prepare for a masters program in strength and conditioning.
As I mentioned above, I’m also currently a strength and conditioning intern at BCC’s Paterson Field House. My coaching/leadership experience includes serving as captain of the softball team at RPI, mentoring/coaching fellow athletes in crossfit, and most recently working as an assistant coach for the Hoosac Valley varsity softball team.
I’m passionate about both helping athletes improve their performance in sport, as well as teaching, encouraging and building positive life style habits they can take with them beyond their competitive years. I’m excited for the opportunity to join the rowing community and learn what it’s all about, while sharing some of my experience to help athletes grow in new ways.
Welcome, Tori! We so pleased to have you with us, and we hope you come to love BCR as so many members of the club do.
Click here to sign up!
We have a new dock, and we have the same old awesome volunteers who got it unloaded and put together. The snow is falling today, and winter is definitely upon us. But we’re already looking to spring when rowing will be that much easier to get to.
Thank you to Randy, Karl, Connell, Tom, and Don! Thank you also to everyone who contributed financially. This is a huge plus for us!!
Two recent articles in the New York Times highlight the “pros” and “cons” of rowing.
This one is an homage to the benefits of rowing–physical, spiritual, psychological. Hurrah! It’s always invigorating to be in the news in a good way!
This one is a call to conscience for all lovers of the sport (this among other sports) that we make the benefits of rowing more available to people no matter their socio-economic status.
The article points out the obvious. The gear rowing requires is costly and fussy. The skill and strength rowing require take copious time to build up, meaning the one aiming to row must have that sort of time, which many, many people don’t. This isn’t one of the great injustices of our time, but it was one of the small ones, and these build up.
BCR is proud to have as its mission bringing rowing to all who’d like to enjoy this “elite” sport, and reap the benefits from it. Look around at other rowing clubs (browse online) and you’ll be floored to see how we manage to keep membership dues relatively low, while maintaining a well-stocked boathouse and well-appointed lakeside.
True, we have a lot of built-in assets. The beauty and cleanliness of the lake and surroundings, the city of Pittsfield charging us low rent and offering us terrific support, the dedication of our volunteers to build and maintain and staff, all come together to make it possible. If we were in Boston or Philly or San Diego we’d have a lot more obstacles to affordability.
So take advantage of the fact that we’re here. And celebrate how we’ve managed to build on that advantage. Come row, or come some time to watch the rowing. And raise a water bottle to the individuals who’ve really made it happen.
Hip hip hurray!